AI-empowered assistant as new standard in digital dentistry
Use AI-assistant to effectively manage your time by accurately detecting oral characteristics and issues and updating the tooth-wise profile for each user.

pioneering company in dental diagnostics leveraging AI
Smartory is transforming dental healthcare by enhancing traditional methods with AI, redefining the management and approach to dental health. Their AI-powered assistant acts as a companion for dentists, providing unprecedented precision in diagnostics through detailed analysis of both RGB and X-ray images.
The AI-Assistant Features
Cloud-based Storage
Provide a cloud-based storage for each user to save their records and medical history. The AI-assistant provides a tooth-wise profile that will deliver insightful details about the patient’s condition over time for the dentist to plan new treatment.
Module Compatibility
Module Compatibility
Upload any type of 2D image and let the AI-assistant process it with the AI core. The AI-assistant will find different characteristics of different types of X-rays and photos that are taken by mobile phones.
Optimize Resources
The AI-assistant would process complicated images in no time and return straightforward details that are understandable for both patients and dentists. The AI-assistant let the patients know their hygiene and the recommended time to visit the doctor.
More About the AI-Assistant

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Provide an Approach to Effectively Plan Proper Treatment
Take an image with any smartphone and upload it to Smartory’s assistant and the image will process quickly and the results are available through the Smartory for both patient and dentist.
We can process any type of X-ray like Panoramic, Bitewing, and Periapical radiographic. The clinic and patient could upload images to Smartory’s assistant and the tooth-wise profile will update afterward while the results are available through the Smartory for both patient and dentist.
A Tooth-Wise AI Companion
Smartory’s AI-powered assistant is not just a tool; it’s a companion that transforms the dental diagnostic experience. It’s a game-changer for dentists, offering insights into various health issues like:
- bone loss
- caries
- caries filling
- restoration detection
Take an image with any smartphone and upload it to Smartory’s assistant and the image will process quickly and the results are available through the Smartory for both patient and dentist.
Be more Productive in Day by Day
Smartory’s AI-powered assistant is not just a tool; it’s a companion that transforms the dental diagnostic experience.

Benefits for Patients
- Increase routine checkup performance while the AI-assistant detects new oral abnormalities and alerts the patient and the dentist.
- Let the patient access to their medical history over the time.
- Increase patient education by explaining health care conditions.
- No need to get a day off from work for a routine checkup.
Benefits for Dentists
- Increase the diagnosis accuracy during high-load times.
- Reduce diagnosis time while the AI-assistant provides comprehensive details about the patient's condition.
- Access to the patient's profile and monitoring their routine checkups over time that help the dentists to track the treatment.
- Reduce busy office time by managing patients in a much more efficient way.
Experience the Future of Dentistry
Smartory’s AI-powered assistant is more than an advancement; it’s a transformation in dental care. By combining the reliability of traditional methods with the transformative power of AI, we are ushering in a new era in dentistry. An era where precision, efficiency, and preventative care are not just ideals but realities. With Smartory leading the way, the future of dental health is not only bright; it’s precise, efficient, and patient-focused. Join us as we redefine dental care, one diagnosis at a time.